If I won the lottery, I would:

About Me

I'm single (by choice), have no kids (kinda by choice), and I have a cat (by accident).

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Emmy Awards 2010 (August 29, 2010)

I love televised awards shows.  Tonight it was the Emmy Awards.

I don't care for the red carpet. That bores me.  Random celebrities telling us how cheap they are with their borrowed dresses and borrowed jewellery.  Wanda Sykes threw us a curveball, however - she BOUGHT her dress.  Supporting the economy, she said.  I wish she'd said "I have a job that pays me lots and lots of money, and I have no excuse for borrowing a dress. Except that maybe I'm not as big a star as I think, and no designer offered to lend me something."

There was only one award I was really looking forward to.  The variety/music program.  Conan O'Brien's former late night television show was nominated.  You know, the one he got bumped from to give Jay Leno his old time slot back when he proved he truly sucked in an earlier time (but NBC was too chicken shit to actually admit that.).  Jay Leno wasn't nominated.  I feel it's important to state this.  Leading into this category, they showed a number of clips from various shows.  A number of them made reference to Conan, or more specifically, his (and other hosts') reaction to the screw job.  "Screw Job" was the term coined by SNL's Seth Meyers, in one of those clips.

I am a big Conan O'Brien fan.  He makes me laugh out loud.  He has a style of humour that is sometimes dry, other times self deprecating.  It's like he says "Hey, I laugh at myself, so you can laugh at me too."  He should never have been bumped from the Tonight Show.  Leno should have been told his time was up, too bad, so sad, here's your pension, now go away, buh bye.  But I guess enough old ladies out there are still alive and have nothing better to do than flood NBC's phone lines and web site if they're not happy.  Hey, that kind of explains why the rest of NBC's shows suck for the most part.  Right?

Conan didn't win.  Jon Stewart did.  Again.  I think this was the 4th year in a row.

One surprise I enjoyed was Jim Parsons' win for lead actor for Big Bang Theory.  And Modern Family's multiple wins.  These are two shows that I enjoy, if I stumble upon them in the TV lineup (in other words, they're not part of my regular TV watching schedule.

Tom Hanks was there.  He accepted the award his TV miniseries won.  What was it called.....?  Dunno.  Don't care.  His spray tan was bordering on orange.  And I really wish he'd stuck with his DaVinci Code hair style.  It took 10 years off his appearance.

Martin Short didn't win the award he was nominated for.  I think it was guest male in a dramatic role.  I think he should have won solely because he was in a non-comedic role.  The man who did win, I was really hoping he would give Martin a shout out.  Martin wasn't at the awards, as his wife passed away last week.  I think if Catherine O'Hara had won her nomination (I think it was also for guesting in a dramatic role), she would have said something.  You see, they go waaaaay back.  They were on SCTV together.  For all you non-Canadians, or anyone under the age of 30, that was a Canadian comedy sketch show from the 70s / 80s, that introduced us to the likes of Short, O'Hara, Eugene Levy, and the late great John Candy.  And the characters Bob and Doug McKenzie (take off, eh.).  Martin's Ed Grimley role, that he played on SNL in the mid-80s, was created originally for and played on SCTV.

The "In Memoriam" section always tears me up.  Even more so this year, with Jewel singing a song that she wrote about a friend that passed away.  The song is not recorded anywhere, and the Emmy crew allowed her to sing it anyways.  It was beautiful.  And, it must have grasped everyone else's attention, because the audience kept their applause to the bare minimum.  That applause has always driven me bonkers. 

And finally...... Neil Patrick Harris won for his hosting of the Emmy's last year.  That was the BEST awards show I've watched in years.  He's so talented.  And so damn handsome.  Doogie done growed up good.

(Yes.  I know he's homosexual.  He has babies coming.)

I hated Jimmy Fallon on SNL.  Don't care for his late night show.  But I tolerated his hosting abilities.  Let's start a campaign to bring Neil back next year, so he can sing and dance and show off his subtle hotness!!  Yah!!

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