If I won the lottery, I would:

About Me

I'm single (by choice), have no kids (kinda by choice), and I have a cat (by accident).

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Play Nice, Now (August 13, 2010)

I am one of the many, many putzes in this world who works in an office.  I've always known I would work in an office.  Doing what, I didn't know.  Now I do.  I know, because I had to complete an Employment Evaluation recently.  It's part of the standard annual review - you tell us first what exactly you do, and value you are to our company, and we'll decide whether or not you get a raise.

I've been with my company for over 3 years now.  This is the 2nd evaluation I've completed.  Don't stress yourself over the math; it doesn't add up.  My company is somewhat lax on their diligence in completing annual reviews.  No biggie, as far as I'm concerned.  Because, after my first year with the company, I got a 13% raise.  This was thanks in part to big mouths in my office group, yapping about their salaries.  They got told to shut up.  Some did, others didn't.  So the powers that be said "Fine, wanna be like that?  We're gonna mix it up.  Some people's salaries are gonna change, and some aren't."  Mine changed, drastically.

My response to the news was "FUCK ME!"

Since then, I've left the evaluations & salary alone.  I figured if they had a problem with me or something I was doing, someone would tell me.

Mostly, I've been told "You're doing good" or "Good job" or "What would we do without you?"  Wait, I lied.  That last line should read "What would you do without me?"  Me saying it, natch.

So anyways, I filled out this evaluation.  Then I asked for another blank one, to start again.  After leaving it alone for one day, I went back and realized my sarcastic comments about my manager might be misread.  They might think I had a problem with him.  Which I do, sometimes.  But I decided, if I have a problem with him, maybe I should try talking to him first?  Or, I'll wait til an actual sit-down meeting with the powers-that-be, and wait for him to ask me "How's it going with D?"  Then I'll carefully broach the subject.

"D gossips too much.  I still have to wait for him to finish chatting before I can talk to him about work."

This has been a problem since day one.  D is a great person, someone that all the ladies in the office are drawn to, to talk about their problems, or to share their life stories.  And he's too nice to tell them to go away.... or too nice to admit they annoy the piss out of him.

Maybe they don't annoy him.  BUT because he's, you know, a man, I prefer to hold on to the belief that sometimes he doesn't want to listen to the girl crap.  Please, let me be right.  Please..........

Today, a comment was made about how well I held the fort down while he was away for a week.  Yes, I did.  I always do.  I told them the secret to my success:

"I stopped caring."

They laughed.  But in that laugh, I know they were acknowledging that this wasn't a total joke. 

Maybe I should have written "I stopped caring" in my evaluation.  Think they know me enough to know how to read it?


Will I get a raise?  Stay tuned......

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